Best Curb Appeal Ideas for Any Budget

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First impressions never get a second chance! According to the National Association of Realtors (NAR), 93% of home buyers use online websites to search for their ideal new home. This means photography play a huge role in whether or not a buyer likes the home. And what is the first photo in a listing? Generally, it’s the exterior of the home. We have created a list of the best curb appeal ideas for any budget to ensure your home is picture perfect and generates a profitable first impression!


One of the first steps to a great first impression is cleaning the outside of the house. This can be done very simply with a good pressure wash. If you don’t own a pressure washer, you can easily rent one or hire a professional. Not only does the siding need to be cleaned all the way around the home but also the front porch area, deck and any walkways around the home. And don’t forget to clean those windows. And while you are at it, remove those screens altogether!


Plant some nice colorful flowers in your flower beds, front porch containers and/or window boxes. If it isn’t springtime, there are some great options that can last through tougher conditions like pansies and fresh greenery. To show off those new beautiful flowers and to present a clean landscape, we would also suggest a nice new layer of mulch in your beds around the front of the home.


As we have mentioned before, paint is money in a can! Consider sprucing up the front of the home by painting your front door, trim and/or shutters. This presents a clean finished look to the house and tells the buyer you take pride in the appearance of our home.

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Make sure your house numbers are clearly visible and easy to read. This may seem silly but when a buyer is looking for your home you don’t want them to accidentally pass you buy because they simply can’t see your house numbers. If your numbers are in good condition, consider cleaning and/or giving them a spray paint to make them stand out. Otherwise, consider purchasing a new set of numbers to install.


If your porch lighting is outdated or rusted, replace it. Below are some very affordable options on Amazon. Before purchasing anything, make sure to pay attention to the size and shape of the base plate of your existing light fixture and buy accordingly. Another source of light that should be addressed are any lamp posts that may be in your front yard. Make sure the glass is clean, the bulb is bright and the paint is refreshed. Before addressing these lighting concerns, check with your HOA to make sure they do not have any stipulations as to what kind of light can be used on the exterior of the home or if they can repair lamp post if needed.


Adding a new doormat is an easy way to make your home inviting. Buyers spend quite a few minutes standing on the front porch waiting for the realtor to get the lockbox to open for the key. For these few minutes the only thing the buyer has to do is study your front door. Seeing a clean entry with a clean welcoming door mat is appealing to any buyer. You may also want to consider another rug just inside the home for buyers to step onto when entering the home and a place to take off their shoes.


If your mailbox has seen better days, consider giving it a fresh coat of paint. If it’s beyond the paint cover-up, just replace it with a new one. Once again, you will need to check with your HOA if there are restrictions to what kind of mailbox can be used.

These quick updates can do wonders for your curb appeal. The goal is to draw buyers inside your home. Showing them you care enough about the outside tells them you care enough about the inside too. Remember, first impressions never get a second chance. Take that first step and book a home consultation online with us - we would love to shine the spotlight on your home and get it market ready!

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