Micro Organizing Challenge: Your Ultimate Guide to Tackling Life's Tiniest Clutter Challenges

Hot on the heels of our New Year’s Resolutions Guide, comes our very first Micro-Organizing Challenge!  

micro organizing challenge

As we settle into 2024 and get back into our everyday lives, your New Year’s resolve may have diminished, and your resolutions may be distant memories at this point. You may have made a great start by setting those goals, and maybe even began working towards them. Then, suddenly, real life crashed in, and you realized that you don’t, in fact, have the time, energy, or motivation to conquer the world as you had envisioned during the early January optimism. Well, never fear, we have just the thing to get you back on track to become the organized, home maintenance performing, super adulting, goal accomplishing rockstar that we know you can be!

stuart smalley from Saturday Night Live

A couple of weeks ago, we shared some ideas with you for getting your house in order this year (you can read that blog post here - MASTERING NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS: YOUR GUIDE TO TRANSFORMING YOUR HOME IN 2024). The suggestion that seemed to resonate the most, was the de-cluttering and organizing tip. So, we decided to give you a little inspiration to get to it and get your place together - our Micro-Organizing Challenge!

First, what is micro-organizing?

Organizing your entire home is an amazing goal. Overhauling every square inch, finding the perfect spot for every single possession, de-cluttering every surface and restructuring your life to become that person who always puts everything back in its perfect place would be an immense accomplishment. Kudos to any superhero who can attain this goal of perfection! Also, our deepest sympathies to any mere mortal who has to live that way from here on out!

Organizing can be divided into two distinct categories – macro-organizing and micro-organizing. Think of macro-organizing as the big picture. For example, if you are just moving into a new property, macro-organizing would include moving all the moving boxes off the truck and into the proper room of your house, stacked neatly up against the wall. Micro-organizing would entail focusing on just one of those boxes at a time, finding a home for each item in that box and working through until everything in that one box is put away. You can then stop for the day or move on to the next box. The point being, focusing on small bite size tasks in limited time increments, allows you the satisfaction of completing a task, without the overwhelm of the entire job looming over you.

For this micro-organizing challenge, we have supplied you with a checklist (because who doesn’t love crossing things off a checklist?) of challenge areas and individual tasks to complete in each area. These tasks can be completed on your schedule – one task a day, one area in a weekend, any way that works for you. Each task should take 15 minutes or less. If you have multiples of an area in your home (for example, 2 bathrooms or 5 kitchen drawers) concentrate on one at a time, finish that one completely before moving on to the next. Stop before you get overwhelmed and remember, the point is to aim for improvement, not perfection! And, if you need an extra little nudge to keep you going, we have a few rewards sprinkled in for a job well done (or let’s be honest, just done). Good luck and please share with us when you have completed (or attempted) this challenge!

  • Sort and declutter the medicine cabinet (be sure to toss all the expired meds)

  • Sort out the vanity cabinet – remove everything, throw out everything not being used, wipe out the bottom and replace items in a tidy manner

  • Sort out a vanity drawer following the same directions as the cabinet

  • Clear out the linen closet (one shelf at a time, empty and refold, removing anything that is no longer serviceable)

  • Clean off vanity surface (find a new home for any clutter and neatly put it there)

  • Scrub the shower/tub

  • Deep clean the floor, any additional surfaces and the mirror

  • Launder all towels, rugs and shower curtain

  • Replace any disreputable towels, mats or shower curtain (yay, shopping!)

  • Reward yourself with a relaxing bath or shower, you deserve it!

  • Clean out under the sink – remove everything, throw out everything not being used, wipe out the bottom and replace items in a tidy manner

  • Empty and sort out one drawer (repeat until all drawers are sorted)

  • Empty and sort out one cabinet (repeat for each upper and lower cabinet, one at time)

  • Empty, sort and replace one pantry shelf (time to check the expiration dates and toss expireds)

  • Empty, sort and replace spice cabinet (extra points for alphabetizing)

  • Clean out refrigerator – deep clean one shelf at a time, throwing out expired items

  • Defrost freezer (is that still a thing?) and throw out any unrecognizable items

  • Clean out oven and dishwasher (this one is easy – if you have a preprogrammed cycle)

  • Wipe out microwave and small appliances

  • Clean off the countertop, putting all extra clutter away

  • Treat yourself to dinner out – you don’t want to mess up all that hard work.

  • Starting with one drawer at a time, empty the desk drawer and sort items to be thrown away, rehomed elsewhere, or returned to the drawer

  • Files – same as above, being sure to shred all items with private information before throwing away

  • Top of desk – focusing on one area at time, remove everything, sort for disposal, rehoming, and returning to desk top. Consider investing in organization trays to keep things organized going forward

  • Bookshelves – as always, one at a time (books not in use can be donated or traded in at a used book exchange)

  • Bonus points -calendar – take a look at your calendar and try to resolve any conflicts ahead of time

  • Bonus, bonus points – scroll through your email accounts and text threads and delete everything that is obsolete

  • Coat closet – pull everything out. Remove anything no longer needed and put it in a donation box. Match all shoes and gloves, hang all coats and set aside anything that needs to be sent to the cleaners of repaired. This is a great time to repaint the interior of the closet. Replace only what is in season and store everything else until needed

  • Shelves/storage bins/storage benches -dump out and sort as above. Wipe out and replace only what is needed

  • Laundry room floor/counter – sort all clothes (clean/dirty/needs repair). Wash the dirty and put all away where it really belongs. Make a bin of all items needing repairs

  • Laundry room cabinet – remove everything, wiping down each item before replacing

  • Run your washer/dryer on a cleaning cycle and wipe down the exterior

  • Bonus -do the sewing repairs needed or send out for repairs

Not only does micro-decluttering allow you the satisfaction of completing a task, it also offers numerous benefits for both your physical environment and your overall well-being. It is a practical and sustainable approach to maintaining a clutter-free and organized lifestyle.

Benefits of an Organized Life

Reduced Stress: Clutter can contribute to feelings of stress and overwhelm. Micro-de-cluttering allows you to tackle small areas at a time, making the process more manageable and less stressful.

Increased Productivity: A clutter-free environment can enhance your focus and productivity. By decluttering small areas regularly, you maintain a more organized space that fosters efficiency.

Improved Mental Health: A tidy space can have a positive impact on mental well-being. Micro-decluttering provides a sense of accomplishment and control over your environment, promoting a more positive mindset.

Time Savings: Searching for items in a cluttered space can waste time. Micro-decluttering helps you find things more easily, saving time in your daily activities.

Enhanced Creativity: An organized space can stimulate creativity and innovation. An environment that supports creative thinking and problem-solving is a must!

Financial Benefits: Micro de-cluttering can help you identify items you no longer need, making it easier to sell, donate, or discard them. This process may lead to financial benefits and a more streamlined lifestyle.

Improved Relationships: A clutter-free and organized home can create a more inviting and harmonious atmosphere, positively impacting relationships with family and friends.

Health Benefits: Dust and allergens can accumulate in a cluttered environment, potentially impacting your health. Micro decluttering, by regularly cleaning and organizing, contributes to a healthier living space.

Sustainable Living: By decluttering and being mindful of your belongings, you may be less inclined to make unnecessary purchases. This supports a more sustainable and eco-friendly lifestyle.

Personal Growth: Micro-decluttering is a continuous process that encourages self-discipline and self-awareness. It provides opportunities for personal growth as you evaluate your priorities and possessions.

Well, what are you waiting for?? We’ve set you up to succeed with this challenge. Remember, tackle one thing at a time. You can accomplish one task a day for each room or tackle an entire area in one weekend. You’ve got this! And never forget to pat yourself on the back and, in the words of Donna and Tom from Parks and Rec, TREAT YO’SELF when you accomplish each room!