Holy Tacos – You Can Stage Food too?


In the beginning there was the charcuterie board.  This idea of displaying cheese, meats and crackers for entertaining has now warped into a whole new phenomenon of food boards.   There’s one for everything from waffles to tacos to movie snacks.  It’s a lot like a food bar but contained and displayed beautifully for guests to devour.  As a professional home stager, I am totally drawn to this trend.  It makes total sense to stage your food when entertaining. And honestly, I think I could eat a broccoli sauerkraut board because it looks so well styled! There’s just something about the beauty of the food being elegantly displayed.

One day we will entertain again! Darn Covid-19! However, this idea of a food board makes even family dinners fun and special. There’s been so many ah-mazing ideas online that I felt were worthy to share with our readers.  There’s just something about putting out a board and letting your family just grab and eat.  My boys love New Years Eve when I put out appetizers and say – go.  It’s not formal and isn’t it more fun to eat food with a  toothpick?!?  I might win MOM of the YEAR if I served my boys this French fry board from Living in Yellow for dinner one night.  I guarantee you there wouldn’t be one crumb left.


Having friends over to hang out (socially distanced of course) by the firepit?  This smores board by No. 2 Pencil would be received with delight.

Do you have an open house coming up this fall? This cookie board by HoosierHomemade looks delightful to serve as snacks.

Cinco de Mayo.  Not a problem-o.  This taco board by The Reluctant Entertainer will make your guests go loco!

Kids having a sleep-over?  Particularly boys.  (Ok maybe not in 2020 but there’s hope for 2021) Or even if you have out of town guests, any of these breakfast boards by the BakerMama are sure to please!

Need to serve a crowd on a cool winter day?  A Baked Potato bar board like this one from the Reluctant Entertainer will look great and fill bellies too.


I recently came across a book about food boards by Maegan Brown, aka The BakerMama, and it was beautiful.  The photographs were jaw dropping and the food board ideas were amazing.  This makes a wonderful gift with a little tea towel and wooden spoon tied around it or attached to a large tray.  It’s one of those books that are fun to have but you probably would never justify buying for yourself.

We here at Staged by Design are no sous chefs but we know how to make things look pretty. Presentation is marketing at its finest. Home staging is targeted marketing and, just like food, when we present a house that is market ready it will be devoured by our buyers.

Book a consultation online with us and let us “Shine the Spotlight” on YOUR home!

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