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Staging Toolkit for Realtors


Real estate doesn't stop because of a global pandemic. Clients need to sell regardless based on circumstances prior to the coronavirus outbreak. Whether it's during this crazy time or just a normal day outside of coronavirus mania, we thought it might be handy to supply you with a basic staging toolkit for realtors that can help prepare a house for sell when professional staging is not an option. (Click on pictures below to purchase straight from Amazon)

The finishing touches really do count when transforming a house to a home. The same is considered when staging a home to sell. There are little things you as realtors can keep on hand to assist in staging a property and making that buyer feel like that house is home.

Door Mats

First impressions are a must. Buyers on average make up their mind if they like a house within the first 15 seconds of entering a home. Why not make the most of those first few seconds by placing new clean mats at both the exterior and interior entrance?


Who doesn't love a brand new towel?? White towels are a must. They scream crisp and clean and go with every type of decor. We like to place towels on every towel bar in every bathroom to soften it as most bathrooms come across as cold and empty. And don't rule out a good gray towel if your bathroom has a lot of white in the hard surfaces. This will bring a pop of color to the bathroom but still keep it neutral..

Shower Curtains

Shower curtains also add to the softening of a bathroom. White shower curtains, again, shout crisp and clean and they go with all decor. We've also recommended a fun ombre one as well to bring in that ever-so-popular gray.


White bedding gives a bed that hotel feel. Are you sensing our crisp and clean theme?? It's simple, neutral and creates a wonderful focal point for professional photos. Gray is also a great neutral backdrop if the room is light in color. Used together, you can fold one at bottom to create a nice layering of textiles that feel like luxury and comfort. And don't forget that white bed skirt if needed!


Lighting is key to showing a home. Not only do we suggest using the highest wattage, non-energy efficient light bulb you can, but we also suggest layering lighting with lamps in darker areas. This will help buyers see the house better at night and on darker, cloudier days. Here's some great lamps to keep on hand that will never lose trend and will work with almost every style.

We hope this staging toolkit for realtors will be helpful to add some light touches to your properties. We are always available if you need to call in the big guns - we are still staging vacant homes using all the necessary precautions to keep your client and ourselves safe from COVID-19. Feel free to give us a call (703-552-4545) or book a virtual home consultation online and we will be happy to partner with you to SHINE a SPOTLIGHT on your home.

*Disclaimer: This page contains Amazon affiliate links which means Staged by Design® may earn commission if you use links provided

Tomorrow is Just a Day Away - When is the Best Time to Call in a Home Stager?


The decision to list a home for sale can often occur quickly. It ranges from a result of life or work circumstances, to simply finding the perfect home and needing to sell the current home first.

Listing a home can become quite a production for your clients. If you compare it to a Broadway musical, it comes together with the work of many people.  With a musical you have the design of the product (the play), the promotion of the product (marketing) and the appearance of the product (the set and the characters).  All of these components come together to hopefully create a box office hit. 

Just like producing a musical on stage, putting a house on the market must be a well-choreographed process.  This process includes promotion, price and product.  As a realtor, you advise the seller to come to the most achievable price point in which to sell.   It is your fiduciary responsibility to provide your client with all the tools at your disposals in promoting the listing. The product, one of the most crucial component to the process, is one of the easiest portions to enhance, yet requires the coordination of many moving parts, of which staging has the overall highest ROI. But when should this part of the process take place? 

We have created a great guideline for deciding when a staging consultation should happen.  We believe a good parameter should be 1 week for every year you have lived in your house. For instance, if the seller has lived in the house for 2 years, schedule a consultation two weeks prior to listing.  If the seller has lived in the house for 10 years, plan on 2 ½ months prior to listing.  The need for upgrades and deferred maintenance are substantially higher the longer someone has lived in the house. In addition, the amount of personal possessions tends to grow with each year. Our consultation will outline what maintenance needs to be completed before list date and what should stay or go. The goal of our consultation is to focus on the tasks that provide you with the highest return on investment (ROI).  Our guideline gives sellers plenty of time to schedule contractors for the work to be completed as well as sufficient time to edit their possessions. 

If furniture and accessory staging is needed, post consultation, our lead time is typically one and a half weeks in advance.  Our detailed design is customized to the needs of the home, with any suggested upgrades, updates and scheduled work all geared to support the list price of the home.

Our staging, along with proper price and aggressive marketing, will complete that perfectly choreographed process for selling a home FAST and making it a "box office hit" on the market.

Give us a call at 703-552-4545 or simply click HERE to book your consultation online to start your perfect listing.